Bringing Mindfulness Home

Last week I participated in an online veterans program entitled, “Bringing Mindfulness Home.” I was invited by the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone to present a 4-week program about mindfulness for veterans, military members and their families. The Cohen Clinic opened in Jacksonville in February just before the pandemic lockdown, so online was the only way to share this class.

The theme I explored was “Mindfulness of the Breath.” Participants had the opportunity to participate and experience this basic part of mindfulness – following the breath as we inhale and exhale – and returning to the breath anytime we notice that we are distracted.

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Look Up!

Last night we saw the most amazing thing! It was the “pink moon” – when the moon is the closest to the earth. I’ve included a picture in this post provided by a former Air Force chaplain colleague of mine, Jeffrey Neuberger, who is a brilliant photographer, who shot this view last night. 

The view was awe-inspiring! The light of this full moon lit up the sky! Had we not gone outside and looked up, we would have missed it!

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Let it Go or Let it Be?

Picture of the Lotus Flower

When it comes to mindfulness – we always have a choice. Dwell in the sadness, fear and anger of “what might happen” or touch the present moment with curiosity and hope. During these uncertain times, this might sound like “pie in the sky” denial. But being in the present moment has nothing to do with denial. Being in the present moment has everything to do with touching what is happening – both outside and inside – with compassion and care.

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