Taking Refuge – A Buddhist/Christian Perspective

Taking Refuge

It has been two years since I last posted on this website. Before I share some thoughts about taking refuge, let me bring you up to date. Life has become very busy and interesting. I am working on a PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of the West in Rosemead, California. In August 2022, Mark and I (along with our fur babies – Cami the cat and Sophie the Rat/Chi) drove cross country from Charleston WV to Los Angeles CA so that I could attend classes in person at UWest during the Fall Semester. We lived in an Air B&B in Rosemead on the border of Monterey Park. At the end of the semester, we returned to Charleston doing the cross country trip again. Then, in August of 2023, I returned to UWest, but this time I went by myself using air travel this time. I ended up living in the UWest dorm and returned home at the end of the semester. Luckily, I had the opportunity to fly back to Charleston four times during the semester. Mark nobly was on pick-up duty as Nolan attended the Charleston Montessori School. I completed my fourth semester of Sanskrit remotely this semester and now I will prepare for my qualifying exams in the Fall.

With all these many activities and studies, I have been able to continue to lead two mindfulness groups, both in-person and online. I am grateful for those who attend and support The Mindfulness Tree Meditation Community – our Sangha.

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But now, I want to reflect about the Buddhist understanding of the Triple Gems and the Christian concept of the Holy Trinity. Trinity Sunday is upon us and during a recent meditation I contemplated these two very distinct ideas. 

The Triple Gems, or the Three Jewels of Buddhism, are three acts of Buddhist faith practice. They are taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. In Sanskrit, the word for the Three Jewels is Triratna – Tri means “three” and ratna means “jewel.” The Buddha is the awakened one. The Dharma is the teaching of the Buddha, or in Sanskrit, it literally means “truth”; the Sangha is the traditional community of Buddhist monks and nuns that also includes the laity or “householders.” In Buddhism, taking “refuge” in the Three Jewels is a religious practice. “I take refuge in the Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma; I take refuge in the Sangha.” Taking refuge is to find shelter or protection in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. To become a Buddhist, one only needs to recite the words of the refuges.  Continue reading “Taking Refuge – A Buddhist/Christian Perspective”

The recent racially motivated shooting in Buffalo – some musings as a meditator

I haven’t posted for quite awhile but today I feel compelled to write down some thoughts. The recent racially motivated shooting at the Tops grocery store in Buffalo has sent me over the edge. All of the shootings over these past several years have been heartbreaking, but there was something about this tragedy that touched me deeply with many thoughts and emotions.

What triggered my reaction? Perhaps it was on the heels of the leaked Supreme Court document about Roe v. Wade. Perhaps it was because of the political rhetoric during this past primary season. Perhaps it was because I let down my guard once the presidential administration changed. I’m not sure, but I feel the need to put voice to some of my thoughts. Continue reading “The recent racially motivated shooting in Buffalo – some musings as a meditator”

Don’t Lose Hope! A Mindfulness Survival Guide to the 2020 Presidential Elections-Acknowledging the Life of Pastor Robert Graetz (May 16, 1928 – September 20, 2020)

Pastor Robert Graetz

If you are anything like me, when I see the presidential election adds on television, I find myself tensing up. My shoulders get tight. My stomach clutches. Then my mind takes over and I start doubting myself, losing hope and wonder how I will survive this election.

But mindfulness offers us a different way of being during these difficult times. Mindfulness invites us to find a place of calm and peace even in the middle of a pandemic, worries about climate change and all the destructive rhetoric we hear and read.

Continue reading “Don’t Lose Hope! A Mindfulness Survival Guide to the 2020 Presidential Elections-Acknowledging the Life of Pastor Robert Graetz (May 16, 1928 – September 20, 2020)”

They Posted WHAT on Facebook?? Transforming Reactivity into Empathy in a Time of Crisis


I suspect your experience has been a lot like mine: You open Facebook to see what your BFF is up to. You want to see a cute meme about kittens or puppies. You look for that inspiring quote posted by the friend who always knows what to share during difficult times – and WAM! There it is! Your beloved aunt or friend – whose political leanings are not the same as yours – posts THAT unbelievable post that is filled not only with hate, but downright inaccurate information.

How do you feel? Anger? Disappointment? Do you have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach?

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BLACK LIVES MATTER! What Should I Do? – Join Me Online

Black Lives Matter! What should I do? – Join Me Online on Wednesday, June 10 at 8 p.m. (EDT)

Black Lives Matter! Not, “White Lives Matter,” or “All Lives Matter.” Make no mistake – unless you are a person of color, there is no way you or I could ever know the experience of being black in America. Sure, I experienced sexism and discrimination as a woman pastor as an Air Force chaplain – both overtly and often quite subtly – but my experience could never compare to that of my colleagues of color. Racism has been and continues to be a tragedy of our American experiment.

As I have watched and read the news of the past few weeks – the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, the protests across our country, the President’s uncensored words – I am saddened, enraged, and, especially during this time of COVID-19, I feel helpless. I worry about my neighbors’ health as they gather. Never in my 50+ decades of life have I wanted so badly to join the protesters and lend my voice and my indignation – to somehow help to make things better.

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Bringing Mindfulness Home

Last week I participated in an online veterans program entitled, “Bringing Mindfulness Home.” I was invited by the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Centerstone to present a 4-week program about mindfulness for veterans, military members and their families. The Cohen Clinic opened in Jacksonville in February just before the pandemic lockdown, so online was the only way to share this class.

The theme I explored was “Mindfulness of the Breath.” Participants had the opportunity to participate and experience this basic part of mindfulness – following the breath as we inhale and exhale – and returning to the breath anytime we notice that we are distracted.

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Look Up!

Last night we saw the most amazing thing! It was the “pink moon” – when the moon is the closest to the earth. I’ve included a picture in this post provided by a former Air Force chaplain colleague of mine, Jeffrey Neuberger, who is a brilliant photographer, who shot this view last night. 

The view was awe-inspiring! The light of this full moon lit up the sky! Had we not gone outside and looked up, we would have missed it!

Continue reading “Look Up!”

Let it Go or Let it Be?

Picture of the Lotus Flower

When it comes to mindfulness – we always have a choice. Dwell in the sadness, fear and anger of “what might happen” or touch the present moment with curiosity and hope. During these uncertain times, this might sound like “pie in the sky” denial. But being in the present moment has nothing to do with denial. Being in the present moment has everything to do with touching what is happening – both outside and inside – with compassion and care.

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Holding Our Breath

This morning as I was cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, I noticed something amazing. I was holding my breath! I have practiced mindfulness and yoga for many years now and know the importance of breathing, of being in the present moment. But I was literally holding my breath!

The events of the past several months with the COVID-19 pandemic have created many uncertainties for us. When will it end? Am I safe? Will my loved ones be safe? Will we ever return to “normal” (whatever “normal” is)?

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Mindfulness in a Time of Uncertainty


The title of this blog is a bit of an understatement! These are uncertain times. For many of us, this is the first time we have experienced a national emergency that affects and will affect our lives for days and months to come. Even if we remember 9/11, this is unchartered territory.

Ponte Vedra Mindfulness, our local mindfulness sangha, was scheduled to meet tonight to begin our study of the book, “Mindfulness: An Eight-Week Plan for Finding Peace in a Frantic World,” by Mark Williams and Danny Penman. Our regular sangha meetings were delayed in 2020 because I fell and broke my wrist on December 30, 2019, and I spent the next two months recovering and attending Occupational Therapy sessions. It was a mindful two months.

Continue reading “Mindfulness in a Time of Uncertainty”